Friday, August 23, 2013

Developing Content

After the research and scenario building, the next step was to categorize the information. I broadly categorized the content in five sections i.e., Types of injuries, Types of hazards, Situational hazards, Hazards related to particular spot in the house and common information that would go in every book.

When all the data was in front, I realized that information for each category varied, so I made combinations of some similar topics, which is as follows:

Various topics which can be combined:
1. Main Categories
2. Structural Hazards + Different spots in house
3. (a)Chemical & Organic hazards + Poisoning
    (b)Fire hazards + Burns & Scalds
4. Electrical Hazard + Power Outage
5. (a) Sprains + Falls
    (b) Fractures + Bleeding

Monday, August 5, 2013

Selecting the right medium

After I had created scenarios and collected the essential information for my content, my guide suggested me to look upon the three aspects for this project which are following:

1. What is it that I want to communicate?
My message is very simple. I need to make children aware of the hazards lying in their house and educate them for responsibly tackling them.

2. To whom I have to communicate?
Primary target - Children
Secondary target - Parents
Tertiary target - Schools

3. What is the medium of communication?
I have listed few possible mediums:

A Board Game
- An interesting way to teach children.
- It educates children without them knowing that they are learning important issues so easily.
- Can be played in a group with friends and family, thus creates platform for everyone to be together.

- A parent has to buy it.
- A board game cannot be easily accessible to everyone.
- There is a possibility that the cost of the game cannot be affordable for many middle income families.

An Activity Book
- It can be an interactive book.
- The book can be issued by school so it is affordable and compulsory.

- It is a possibility that children might feel burden to complete the book and give it back.
- Children might just complete and finish the book for the sake of submission.
- There is no after use of the activity book. The book once solved or completed may not be referred again.

- It is an interesting medium. Here the child will remember the hazards if visually represented.
- The child does not have to read, he can practically learn.
- Can be initiated by schools to demonstrate students about the hazards through installation.
- Children will be able to relate with it and gain confidence to face any situation when it occurs.
- As this activity is performed in class, children might take interest in it as they like to learn together rather than in isolation.

- Lack of interaction with the object.
- As this is a one time demonstration, there is no recall value. It cannot be further referred.

Activity pages in front and back of long notebooks
(Navneet, Classmate, Bilt etc)
- A child can carry the book wherever he/she wants.
- The first and the last page can be perforated so that after using the book, he/she can tear it off and keep it with them for further reference.
- The child does not have to buy specially a different book to get aware of the hazards.
- The information can be given in interesting way of puzzles and small activities that children can solve.
- Each book will have a different hazard information which the child can read as well as solve and tear the page and keep with him.
- Also there can be supplementary stationary attached with the book like bookmarks, stickers, pocket calender etc.

I feel that incorporating activity pages in a long book will be appropriate medium for my project as it will deliver the message what I want to. It has a recall value. There is an engagement factor involved and also the reach of this product is high because every child buys a long book for there academic use.