About the Project

In today's fast world, people are busy with their daily routine. They spend very less time with their families. As a result, children are left alone. Thus these days children learn about the world around them by themselves and judge, what is good and what is bad. Children are curious. They like to explore. They like to put things in their mouth and stick their fingers in unusual places, play with hanging cords, and push or pull over furniture. Even the most harmless room can be a minefield of dangers for them!

Significance of the project:
My project hopes to act as a guide to children under age of 10-12 years about the difficulties in their daily life. The emphasis is on making children responsible and if given a situation, how to react to it. Thus house being the first place where children spend most of their time apart from school and other classes, is the equally accident prone place. Although home is supposed to be one of the safest places, various incidents occur within it which can be dangerous and children can be potential victims of home accidents.

Thus there is a need to create awareness of this fact in the minds of children as well as parents.

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